February 23, 2021

The meeting organised by the World Bank Group

23 February 2021 The UBCG Secretary General attended the meeting organised by the World Bank Group, where the main findings of the draft report Montenegro Systematic Country Diagnostic were presented. The meeting was held to make consultations with the representatives of the private and financial sector and obtain feedback on the findings of the draft Report. The consultations focused on key changes since the first diagnostic report in 2015, and on key priorities that will enable the improvement of economic resilience and reduce the poverty, strengthen institutions, and improve natural resources management and climate resilience. The following are identified as […]
February 22, 2021

Meeting with the representatives of the Ministry for Economic Development

22 February 2021 The meeting with the representatives of the Ministry for Economic Development was held in the premises of the Association of Montenegrin Banks. The topic of the meeting was to harmonise steps in optimising operational activities that would be defined through the Business Cooperation Agreement, regarding the implementation of approved interest rate subsidy requests during the grace period for loans of bank’s customers who met the requirements in accordance with the Ministry’s public invitation, i.e. for existing earmarked loans for tourism and hospitality. A scope of activities has been created, the next steps have been agreed, which will […]
February 15, 2021

Meeting with representatives of the European Central Bank

15.02.2021 a meeting was held with representatives of the European Central Bank. Topics were current: – What are the main impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the economy and the banks, and what’s your outlook for recovery? – How have the authorities’ policy responses, particularly the financial sector support measures, affected your banks liquidity, bank capital, asset quality and lending to the real economy? What is the share of loans that have been affected in the first and the second moratorium? How do they differ by type of borrowers and bank sizes? How do you see the potential impact when support […]
February 4, 2021

Conference call with EBF CEO Wim Mijs

03 March 2021. A conference call was held with Wim Mijs, Executive Director of the European Banking Federation (EBF) and Tina Marolt, Senior Project Officer. The agenda of the call was the following: introduction and news from Brussels; presentation of activities and priorities of our Association, as well as exchange of opinion on the future of cooperation of the Association with the EBF. The Brussels confirmed the increase in the membership fee, where they emphasised that the next step should be the improvement of the service towards the associated members, which participate in the EBF budget by around 200,000.00 euros. […]
February 2, 2021


The EIB Group has increased funding for the Western Balkans in 2020 In 2020, the EIB increased its investments in the region by almost 50%, reaching €873 million in financial commitments  Lilyana Pavlova, EIB vice-president for the Western Balkans, highlights the EIB’s substantial contribution to social and economic development in 2020, laying the groundwork for further investments under the European Commission’s Economic and Investment Plan  The EIB has already mobilised over €1 billion of financing as part of Team Europe’s COVID response for the region The European Investment Bank (EIB) invested €873 million in the Western Balkans in 2020, increasing […]
February 1, 2021

Meeting of the UBCG representatives with the Director of the Deposit Protection Fund

29 January 2021 UBCG representatives held a meeting with the Director of the Deposit Protection Fund. In addition to regular activities, the implementation of a new methodology for calculating premiums to banks in accordance with Directive 2014/49/EC was discussed at the meeting. The consulting service of the Fund was performed by the German rating agency GBB, which rates all banks in Germany. This methodology, in addition to introducing an ex-ante model, obliged Member States to switch to premium calculation based on the degree of risk of individual banks. Banks with higher risk pay higher contributions and thus participate with larger […]