June 21, 2024


20.06.2024. Organized by Banking association of Montenegro and the world-renowned company Dun& Bradstreet, the office in Belgrade held a workshop for the banking sector in Montenegro, where the company’s services were presented, and the specific workshop dealt with: By automating tasks within Compliance and AML functions. Challenges Solution Demonstration How to implement ESG evaluation in the Bank’s business processes. Bradstreet ESG Framework Demonstration of solutions Where were the representatives of Compliance, ESG and AML of credit institutions registered in Montenegro invited, as well as persons responsible for the implementation of the ESG strategy, if they were separated in relation on […]
June 21, 2024


13.06.2024. In the organization of the GIZ – German Development Fund, the General Secretary of the UBCG participated in a regional conference in Tirana, which was dedicated to cashless payments, empower digitalization, accelerate economies, reducing the gray economy, emphasizing the experience in Serbia. BETTER WAY TO ACCELERATE ECONOMIES: EMPOWER DIGITALIZATION AND CASHLESS PAYMENTS AGENDA   09:00-09:30                         Welcome drinks and participant registration   09:30-09:50                         Opening addresses Thilo Schroeter, Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy in Albania Violeta Jovanović, founder, Partnership for Competitive Region Endrit Yzeiraj, Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation, Albania Holti Banka, Senior Financial Sector […]
June 11, 2024


Taking into account the case of CEZAP vs CKB and the consequent impact on the entire banking system of Montenegro, the General Secretary of the UBCG nominated, and the presidency of the European Banking Federation accepted, that the issue of treatment by the court instances of the present members of the EBF be included in the agenda. 1) lawsuits against banks in connection with the collection of credit requests from bank clients (collection through a percentage), but to be heard experiences and 2) in collecting extraordinary tax from banks in the form of joint tax. At the meeting itself, it […]
June 5, 2024

Meeting with IFC and SBFN representatives

Today, June 5, 2024. in accordance with the assumed obligations, the General Secretary of UBCG Bratislav Pejaković had a meeting with IFC representative Jana Mudronova and SBFN representative Boris Janjalia in accordance with the SBFN member Engagement Survey in order to define work in working groups and goals for participation of UBCG in this organization. Today’s meeting and the membership itself represents a significant step in the process of integrating sustainability principles into basic financial practices. We are convinced that by accepting the principles of sustainable banking, we strengthen the resilience of our financial sector and pave the way for […]
May 16, 2024

Banker no. 65

A new issue of the Banker magazine has been released. Download >>>
April 30, 2024


ESG Adria Summit was take place in Porto Montenegro from 24th to 26th April 2024, bringing together business leaders, high-level government, international organisations, civil society representatives, and sustainability experts from the Adria region and beyond. ESG Adria Summit is organized by Sustineri Partners and Porto Montenegro, in partnership with the Government of Montenegro. April 26the was held Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) IFC Europe and Central Asia Integrated ESG Standards Program in collaboration with the Sustainable Banking and Finance Network and Sustineri Partners and in partnership with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Promoting the Sustainable Finance and […]