November 22, 2019

“Digital control for accelerating development” conference

22.11.2019. UBCG representatives attended the conference “Digital control for accelerating development”. The conference is part of the project “Support to the establishment of transparent and efficient public administration at the service of the citizens,” funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration. Opening remarks were by the Minister of Public Administration Suzana Pribilović, Herman Spitz, the head of the sector for cooperation, the EU Delegation to Montenegro and Daniela Gasparikova, UNDP Resident Representative in Montenegro. The conference presented research findings on attitudes and use of e-services in Montenegro, as well as […]
November 18, 2019

Meeting of the UBCG Management Bord – New Chairperson elected.

Pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Association of Montenegrin Banks, the meeting of the Management Bord was held on 18 November 2019. The Bord on the asset quality review, tasks, expectations, processed and policy of implementation and it elected the new Chairperson of the UBCG Management Board. The Association reacted proactively with regard to the challenging AQR process and the conclusion was made that a working group of experts from commercial banks should be organised to follow the process and make useful proposals that facilitate process. The selection of advisers (audit firms) and appraisers who will participate in […]
November 15, 2019

Presentation of Fiorano Company regarding PSD2

On the 15.Nov.2019. in Associatin of Montenegrin banks we had presentation of Fiorano Company regarding PSD2 with the sessions agenda as below: Fiorano Company & Platform introduction 1. A brief on response of banks to PSD2 state of play across Europe APIs are just the tip of the ice-berg Comply vs. Compete. SWOT Analysis for Banks. A more long term view for traditional banks Banking Association’s viewpoint- as in What are your viewpoints regarding PSD2, How you are planning to approach angles like API standards, TPP identification, Bank-ID / Government ID for users etc.From Fiorano, the meeting attended by 1) […]
November 5, 2019

IMF Delegation visited UBCG

Hui Miao, Senior Economist in the Monetary and Capital Market Department at International Monetary Fund and William Nortfield, an expert for banking operations at the IMF, visited the Association of Montenegrin Banks and held a meeting with Bratislav Pejaković, Secretary General and Nebojša Đoković, an advisor at the UBCG. The IMF representatives held a meeting with a view to introducing the UBCG with their technical assistance in the area of the development of government securities’ market and the need for the development of additional financial services from capital market, funds and pension funds. It was also discussed on the possibility to […]
October 16, 2019

Balkan Banking Association Meeting

Athens, Greece, October 16, 2019: The Secretary Generals of Banking Associations in Albania, Cyprus, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia have come together today with a view to strengthening the relations among the bank associations in the Balkans. The common belief of all participants is that today’s meeting has laid the base for stronger ties between the vibrant banking communities of the Balkans region. “Banks in our countries are increasingly engaged in a highly competitive environment for financial services, both at home and abroad. We face many mutual challenges and by coming together we have begun to forge understandings […]
September 27, 2019

Banker no. 46

A new issue of the Banker magazine has been released CONTENT >>>