January 21, 2021

Banker no. 51

A new issue of the Banker magazine has been released Download >>>
January 15, 2021

Meeting of UBCG representatives with the President of the Parliament of Montenegro

On 14 January, 2021, a meeting was held in the Parliament of Montenegro between the President Mr. Bečić, his advisor Mr. Gošović and associates, and the President of the Association of Montenegrin Banks of Montenegro, Mr. Rabrenović and the Secretary General Mr. Pejaković. The current activities and certainties regarding the postponement of of the implementation of the laws crucial for banks’ operations were discussed at the meeting. Mr. Rabrenović pointed out the situation the banks are facing, from formal legal issues, to parallel processes that take place in banks, which put great pressure on the resources of banks. The President […]
November 12, 2020

Meeting with the Head of the UNICEF Office in Montenegro

On 12.11.2020. a meeting was held between the President and Secretary General of Association of Montenegrin banks with Mr. Juan Santander, Head of the UNICEF Office for Montenegro. Mr. Santander presented the role and action plan of the office in Montenegro with an emphasis on priorities, where in the area of ​​education and financial inclusion he sees space for cooperation with AOMB. The President of AOMB gave full support to all UNICEF actions where the care of young people is of particular importance for the future of the country. Support was given to the formation of a forum of legal […]
October 16, 2020

Meeting with the Head of the EBRD Office in Montenegro

16.10.2020 a substantial meeting was held between the President and the Secretary General of the Association of Banks of Montenegro with the Head of the EBRD Office in Montenegro, Mr. Jaap Sprey. At the meeting, Mr. Sprey emphasized the good cooperation with banks in Montenegro and presented the EBRD agenda in Montenegro, already completed projects and projects that are announced. The need for quality support for the development of SMEs and the diversification of the Montenegrin economy was emphasized, where we now have predominantly investments in tourism. Representatives of Association pointed out the quality indicators of the banking system in […]
October 5, 2020

Banker no. 50

A new issue of the Banker magazine has been released Download >>>
September 30, 2020

EBF videoconference was held

30.09.2020. god. We participated on the 50th EBF Associate member meeting, via videoconference. For Associate Members : Tour de table on the latest developments Welcome remarks by Christian Ossig, Chairman, Executive Committee of the EBF/Managing Director of Bankenverband ➢  Adoption of the previous minutes – 49th Associates meeting in Brussels 09:00 Update on EBF activities and latest development in Brussels Wim Mijs, CEO of the European Banking Federation 09:20 Latest Developments at National level Tour de table by associate members Reaction to the COVID-19 crisis 10:40  Gonzalo Gasos, Senior Director of the Prudential Policy and Supervision of the EBF 10:55 […]