March 6, 2017


A meeting with the representatives of the Deposit Protection Fund was held today which was attended by: Predrag Marković, Director of the Fund and his associate, Snežana Ivanović, and Bratislav Pejaković, Secretary General of the Association and Nebojša Đoković, Advisor. Mr. Marković informed the representatives of the Association on current activities of the Fund, particularly on the completed stress-testing of five banks (Atlas Banka, Erste Banka, Hipotekarna Banka, NLB and Addiko Banka), which was ran on voluntary basis. He also highlighted that a new Deposit Protection Law is being drafted, which should be passed during 2018. After the draft of […]
March 1, 2017

Presentation on Business Intelligence

A seminar was held on business intelligence in the premises of the Association of Montenegrin Banks on 28 February 2017. The seminar was held by the company ITBO from Belgrade that cooperates with a number of banks in Serbia and large corporations in the country and abroad. The importance of the reporting system in banks was highlighted as well as adequate package of management information that is drawn up according to the needs of beneficiaries. Large number of reports that are within large systems such as banks may lead to different forms of truth. Drawing up of reports is time […]
February 24, 2017

NPL Panel, Lessons Learned and Future Actions

Association of Montenegrin Banks participated, upon the invitation of the United Kingdom Alumni Association of Montenegro, at the Non-performing loans Panel (NPL), Lessons Learned and Future Actions. The participants to this Panel were Irena Radović, Vice-Governor of the CBCG, Milorad Katnić, President of the Board of Directors of the Societe Generale Montenegro,Katja Peček, a lawyer from Slovenia (Kings College London), Miloš Vuković, financial advisor and executive director of the Fidelity Consulting, and Bratislav Pejaković, Secretary General. The presentations and discussions held were informative and constructive due to different opinions and perceptions regarding the NPL issue or 90 days and over […]
February 17, 2017

Digitalisation of the Banking Sector, Trends Followed by the Association of Montenegrin Banks

Association of Montenegrin Banks organised presentations and workshops on the digital banking on 16th and 17th February. Representatives of ProgressSoft, a company offering its services in the USA, Western Europe, Asia and Africa, presented solutions for mobile payments in real time and clearing options. ProgresoSoft is present in 24 countries cooperating with 370 banks, both commercial and regulatory, which gives references to this company and where they focused on the development of the payment systems. The first day was for the IT experts of the Committee of the Association of Montenegrin Banks and for the Central Bank representatives, where an […]
February 13, 2017

World Bank Representatives Visited the Association

November 30, 2016

Memorandum on Partnership and Cooperation signed with the Albanian Association of Banks