January 16, 2025


15.01.2025. The auditing company EY was engaged for the presentation of the SEPA process through UBCG and with the sponsorship of EFSE, i.e. Finance in motion, the German development fund. EY is a global leader in providing business consulting, auditing, tax consulting and transaction advisory services. What we at Association of Banks of Montenegro insist on, when organizing workshops is that an interactive approach is implied throughout the workshop, so that the participants at the very beginning of the training were encouraged to participate in the discussion and ask questions throughout the workshop. Training objectives ► Understand what is SEPA […]
December 18, 2024

Banker no. 67

A new issue of the Banker magazine has been released. Download >>>
December 2, 2024


Today, November 21, 2024, Montenegro officially became part of the Single Euro Payment Area – SEPA. Under the leadership of the Central Bank of Montenegro, Montenegro made significant efforts to harmonize the national payment system and current regulations with European Union (EU) standards, thanks to which it became the first country in the Western Balkans to join the SEPA geographical area, fulfilling one of the key goals of on its way to European Union membership. Accordingly, all participants of the payment schemes of the European Payment Council (EPC) will be able to send and receive SEPA credit transfers (SCT), SEPA […]
December 2, 2024


On 28.11.2024. In the Association of Banks of Montenegro, a meeting was held between the General Secretary of the UBCG and the representative of the CBCG, who, with the partnership support of the EBRD and the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, joined the global initiative to strengthen the economic potential of women through the realization of the We Finance Code project in Montenegro. It is an initiative through which financial service providers, regulators and other actors from the private and public sector undertake to work together to increase the financing of micro, small and medium enterprises businesses owned and/or […]
November 21, 2024


On November 19, 2024. in the organization of the Association of Banks of Montenegro and the technical support of GGF (Green for Growth Fund) Finance in Motion GmbH, a development fund from Frankfurt, Germany and the engagement of Eersnt & Young offices in Belgrade held a workshop on Management of ESG influences, risks and opportunities in the financial sector. The aim of the workshop was to emphasize the role of banks and their approach to green finance, the impact of climate change and the impact on risks calculated in the banking sector, while measuring the degree of pollution by clients […]
October 25, 2024

Western Balkans Competitiveness Outlook 2024: Regional Profile Presentation of OECD

Inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the six Western Balkan (WB6) economies depends on greater economic competitiveness. Although the gap is closing gradually, the standards of living in WB6 are well below those of the OECD and EU. Accelerating the rate of socio-economic convergence will require a holistic and growth oriented approach to policy making. This is the fourth study of the region (formerly under the title ‘Competitiveness in South East Europe’) and it comprehensively assesses policy reforms in the WB6 economies across 15 policy areas key to strengthening their competitiveness. It enables WB6 economies to compare economic performance against […]