On Thursday, 23.11.2023, the SWIFT User Group meeting was held, first direct one after the covid crisis period, when only online meetings were held. This was an excellent opportunity to have a visit and presentation of the Regional SWIFT Director for Montenegro Mr Borko Beslin, as well as the representative of SWIFT Business Partner CIS Mr Bogdan Belic.
The meeting was an excellent opportunity to discuss all current topics through the presentations given by Mr Beslin and three SWIFT experts via video-link, as well as through the talks with banks’ representatives. Since certain new mandatory products have recently been announced by SWIFT to be in use as from next year, which for all the banks that are members of this system will mean new engagement and costs, many relevant details were presented. Also, the banks were presented with new mandatory actions for 2024 in the realization of CSP – Customer Security Program, that has been ongoing for the last couple of years, aimed towards the achievement of maximum security of both SWIFT application in the banks and full core banking software that SWIFT application is an integral part of.