Dana 5. Decembra 2022. Udruženje banaka je prisustvovalo FEPG sastanku, gdje su tretirana pitanja organizacije Kviza za mlade, sa slijedećim dnevnim redom:
European Money Quiz 2023
14:00-14:45 EMQ information package overview
- Key dates for the national selections & the finals
- Ground rules of the competition
- Promoting the EMQ
- Sharing experience on your organization’s process of the national selections
14:45 – 15:00 Further information on the EMQ finals & Q&A
- Draft agenda
- Practical information on logistics – venue, travel, and accommodation
15:15 – 15:30 Other updates
- Your feedback on activities/ideas on financial education for disabled
- Update on next steps for the elderly target group activities
- Meeting dates 2023