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SEPA workshop held on January 16, 2025. with the support of the Central bank of Montenegro. This workshop was highly technical in nature, with special emphasis on SCT SEPA scheme, the new EPC Rulebook and related topics. Lecturers hired by CBCG Kjeld Herreman: with more than 15 years of experience in payment systems, Kjeld is a founding partner of Paylume and Francis De Roeck: A prominent payment expert with a significant role in the development of SEPA schemes through the European Payments Council (EPC).

The focus of the workshop was on the regulatory and technical aspects of the accession of Montenegrin financial institutions to the payment schemes of the single euro payment area (SEPA), with special reference to the regulations and guidelines of the European Payments Council as the body responsible for this process, clearing and settlement mechanisms in the SEPA system, as well as compliance with financial crime laws and the migration project to SEPA payment schemes.

At the workshop, it was pointed out that Montenegro’s accession to the SEPA system represents a historic step towards integration into the financial ecosystem of the European Union, which will bring numerous benefits to Montenegrin citizens and the economy, and first of all, many times cheaper, faster and safer international payment transactions. The CBCG will continue to provide the necessary regulatory and technical assistance in the coming period so that banks are ready to submit applications for joining SEPA payment schemes by April, when the EPC, according to its calendar, will start receiving applications from Montenegrin financial institutions.