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ESG Adria Summit was take place in Porto Montenegro from 24th to 26th April 2024, bringing together business leaders, high-level government, international organisations, civil society representatives, and sustainability experts from the Adria region and beyond. ESG Adria Summit is organized by Sustineri Partners and Porto Montenegro, in partnership with the Government of Montenegro.

April 26the was held Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) IFC Europe and Central Asia Integrated ESG Standards Program in collaboration with the Sustainable Banking and Finance Network and Sustineri Partners and in partnership with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Promoting the Sustainable Finance and ESG Agenda Training of Trainers (TOT) for Banking Associations where, in addition to the Association of Banks from the region and South Africa, the Association of Banks of Montenegro also participated as a new member of SBFN with ESG Standards Program team of IFC.

In short, the workshop was successful, meaningful, with practical examples and with energy for progress in the practice of ESG policies.